we sat close, leaning in, so our conversation would be private. her blue eyes wide with passion as she spoke. my heart ready for the heavy. we have carried one another’s burdens for years now. wrestling the hard questions of parenting and faith and the two intertwined as we lead young hearts to Him. there is no playbook for this journey called motherhood. it is the hard, in the trenches, heart wrenching walking through it, that teaches lessons one wishes they had learned prior to giving birth.
or when they are too small and too big all at once. too small knowing deep in our hearts they are tiny and vulnerable and need us more than ever. yet the mirror of their minds tells them they are big, strong and no longer in need of our comfort. they want us but they don't want to want us. they need us but they don't want to need us.
*linking up with carissa for miscellany monday
It's the hardest 'job' in the world hey :) and the most awesome work we'll ever do too... God help us...Amen :) hang in there it's all worth it and it's all going to be just fine in the end :)
ReplyDeleteEmpathy. The great thing about parenting is that it is ever evolving and growing, just as your relationship with your children.
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