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January 30, 2012

::thoughts on motherhood [teaching the power of words]::

as i was loading my groceries on the belt for check-out, a woman in front of me asked
"when is your baby due?"
"march 1st, I replied, 5 more weeks."

the cashier commented, "look at how these girls take care of themselves. i look like her after i eat a big meal."

we laughed together and i discovered that the lady in front of me is expecting two new grandchildren in August. the cashier continued to comment on the cuteness and behavior of the two little ones in tow. that day they truly were awesome during the hour long grocery store excursion. okay okay, i bribed them. i'm 9 months pregnant with two under 5. you do what ya gotta do. amen?

ahem...i left the store feeling encouraged.
words are powerful.
even the most casual of conversations can carry great weight.

this is something i am trying to teach my little ones. eisley
especially as she is nearly five and has a mind of her own. she knows she can choose ugly words to hurt or kind words to encourage. durgin, only two, is just a reflection of the words that float around him. he repeats- not yet realizing words carry either a punch or a hug.

eisley and i love to write notes, send letters and cards.
anytime i sit down to send a card to a friend she joins me to do the same.
it's just one way we can use words for good.

we can praise those we love.
we can encourage those who are hurting.
we can bless those who are sick.
we can bring sunshine into a yucky day.

this is how we use our words for good.
we received this pack of cards from Dayspring and we looked through every single card reading them and talking about who we would send them to. she fell in love with the bright colors and cheeriness of each one. her excitement fueled mine. it was a sweet moment to be shared.

sending cards is just one way i am teaching eisley that kind words are best.
kind words heal.
kind words make those around her happy.

praying this lesson stays deep in her heart as we learn together to use our words for good!

how do you teach your little ones the power of words?


  1. ahhh such a beautiful this idea...i will having a little one soon :) Its not too late to be learning these lessons!!

  2. Precious! I have an incourage/Dayspring giveaway going on right now....ends tomorrow!!!

  3. THIS is so so great, so beautiful! Who will you be sending them to? I love this idea, and I adore Dayspring. You are so right, it's amazing how we can ENcourage or DIScourage one another, thanks for sharing Melissa!

  4. I love this line: "words carry either a punch or a hug." It is true. I think we tend to assume there's a big gray area, a spectrum between that, but often I feel like the receiver takes it one way and runs with it. Punched in the gut or lifted to the sky. I think it's hard to learn that when you're young, but slowly, surely, it will sink in. Moments like yours add up. :)

  5. I think it is so important to teach the next generation the power of words. I'm doing a lot of research on bullying for my abnormal psychology class and it's just gross how some people choose words to hurt others.

    Maybe if we could all choose kind words over hurtful ones we could take a step towards making this world a better place.


words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.