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December 12, 2011

:what i'm NOT doing today::

i'm NOT sleeping in, nope that's not it. up at 5am as usual for coffee, reading and writing.
i'm NOT starting my day off overwhelmed with my to-do list for the week.
i'm NOT starting my day off exhausted at the thoughts of another 40+ hour week at work.
i'm NOT starting my day off discouraged because of time that won't be spent with my children.
i'm NOT worried about my husband and how he will manage on so little sleep today.
i'm NOT concerned with numbers and being mid-month and what that means in the corporate world.
i'm NOT planning to be anywhere but here at 8am.

most important, the reason for all of the above, i'm NOT going to my full-time corporate job today. nope, NOT today, NOT tomorrow, or the next day.

{{i'm officially a part-time work-at-home-mommy!!}}

so today,
i will turn off my computer at 7am and welcome my precious children to the breakfast table where i will sit with them and talk about the season of advent and the great expectation of the arrival of christ.
i will eat with them instead of giving them kisses good-bye.
i will take my girl to preschool and pal around with my boy.
i will color with him and play cars.
i will read for pleasure.
i will cook dinner slowly enjoying the moments in the kitchen with the children at my feet.
i will enjoy dinner with my family, including my husband because he will not be sleep deprived.
i will play chase after dinner, give baths and put them to bed all with great joy, because THIS is my joy, THIS is my calling and it will no longer take second place to a job.
i will trust.
i will breathe in all that this season has to offer.
i will be thankful.

what will you NOT be doing today?

*linking up for life made lovely


  1. Wonderful Melissa! I'm so happy for you and any other moms who are able to stay home! I hope you enjoy every moment!

  2. so, so, SO happy for you! would love to get together sometime!

  3. So happy for you. I've never regretted staying at home. Its so wonderful!!!

  4. Oh, congratulations!! What a wonderful blessing to be able to be home with your family during the day. But I must correct you: In my mind you're a full-time work at home mom, because being a mom and family caregiver is definitely a 24/7 job, even if it's a fun one. :)

  5. This is so wonderful, Melissa! I hope that I can be the kind of mom that you are. This is such an amazing blessing to stay at home with two amazing children, and one more on the way. Enjoy all of it!


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