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December 7, 2011

:everyone gets them, how will YOU use them today?:


life is made of lots of moments. specific pieces of time where decisions are made and lives are changed.

this kid had a moment on stage that will impact his future. (warning: strong language)

this family had a moment where they made a decision to sell their belongings and give themselves in service to others.

this man had a moment where he chose to turn the other cheek, go the extra mile and possibly change a troubled kids life.

how will you spend your moments today?

when you little one wants to play with you?
when someone is rude to you?
when you are cheated?
when you are blessed?
when you get the bad news?
when you are discouraged?
when you are happy?

"you will find when you look back at your life, that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things out of the spirit of love"
-henry drummond


  1. LOVE THIS!! I need to hear this! Thank you Melissa!

  2. I replay my moments a lot, mostly the missed moments and try really hard to make the most of the next ones. Without the missed ones though, I wouldn't be able to reflect and change. I need to remind myself of this when I'm beating myself up in the corner. Every moment is a chance to change and try again. Love this Melissa!

  3. beautiful...thank you for this today- encourages me so very much!!

  4. What a great encouragement today!!! Thank you so much!!

  5. what a potty mouth that lovely Mr. Buble has. But I definitely agree with what you say. Every moment for me is to ask God how he would have me live and carry it out. To seek him daily and momently. And when I fall (quite/extremely often) because He is there and I acknowledge Him and I have His spirit within me I can learn and grow rather than fall and stay wounded... So beautiful.



words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.