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November 14, 2011

::grace enough::

the sun goes to bed earlier now.
darkness leads to an unavoidable slowness.
a yearning to be still and know.

the early morning sun calls us outside to enjoy the last few warm days of fall.
i sit and soak in the rays warming from the inside out.
i watch them, hoodies in place, explore the changes of nature.
crunching leaves.
smells of woodburning fill the air.
exploration takes on a new form as they discover the small patch of woods behind our house.

she makes her way through the trees and brush like she's been there 100 times. the little one gets stuck and calls for her. she runs to show him the way. she becomes his rescuer.

a term we have been using a lot.
we are teaching them about another rescuer.
one who rescued zacchaeus from a life of theft and emptiness.
one who rescued the adulterous woman from a life of insecurity and searching.
one who rescued people from a life of rule following to a life of love.
one who rescued the world from good enough to grace enough.

*linking up with life made lovely


  1. you should be a writer--I admire you!

  2. What a great way to share this with your kids.

  3. i love your blog! truly. it's inspiring. i always quick quickly when you come up in my feed!

    this post is fabulous! "grace enough" -love this.


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