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November 18, 2011

:friendly friday [on tuesday]:

months ago my husband and decided we wanted to intentionally reach out to others and build relationships. this thought process gave birth to...

{{friendly fridays}}

on fridays, or whatever day of the week works best, we invite a family over for dinner or dessert. it is never anything fancy just something simple, since food and decor are not our focus. though, if the truth be known i do run to pinterest for new recipes and inspiration.

our guests come over and we serve them and love them through food and conversation. our children are present and encouraged to interact as well. eisley is forever more trying to steal away our guests to play in her room. she gets as excited as we do about having company.

this week we hung out with some of our old youth, that are grown and newly married, that we now call friends. we caught up on life and shared laughs and words of encouragement. as i sat on the couch, tea in hand, my heart swelled with contentment. peace. breathing in this moment of blessing, of fellowship, of jesus with skin on.

i am one of those people that really really really wants my house to be clean as a whistle in order when company is coming. however, through this simple act of service, i am slowly but surely letting go and becoming okay with imperfection and just enjoying people that have been placed in our lives.

"love begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put into that action"   -mother teresa


  1. I love this tradition. It's something I'd like to start in our own home, being a place that others feel warm and welcome.

  2. I love this idea. And I'm the same about my house, but someone once said to me, "I came to see you, not your house." This weekend I hosted a small Handmade Boutique in my house and as I cleaned until I could hardly walk (bad back) I heard that same thought chanting in my head....they're not coming to see my house, they're my friends and they're coming to see me. What peace that brought me. Happy weekend!


words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.