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September 5, 2011

::balloons and forgiveness::

we walked in slowly, i stood behind him holding his arm.
nervous. i'm always nervous in new places.
people stood around drinking their coffee, chatting with friends, so at home.
we made our way to our seats and the service began.
a moment of silence and reflection.
the message.
forgiveness. yikes.
always needing to hear it....always difficult to hear.
there are things that still linger. tucked away in that place that no one can see. i often forget about them but they are there. holding strong to heartstrings. when they rear their ugly head they sting a small reminder of the wrong doing i cannot let go of.

i thought you were gone. i thought we were past this.

a couple shares their hurts- their unforgiveness.
as a symbol of moving on balloons are held by each family in solidarity.
we stand and pray. each lifting petitions on the behalf of these precious ones.
we all release the ballooons and watch as they fly away.

fly away. fly away pain. fly away burden. fly away unforgiveness.

now on to healing.

how do you deal with unforgiveness and healing from hurts?

1 comment:

  1. cool is that. i am currently learning to deal with unforgiveness...still...seems like I need a reminder everyday. i guess i deal with it one step at a time...and focusing on the cross...running to HIM


words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.