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November 22, 2011

::how to fight fear::

she says the words every night, "i'm scared." tears follow.

fear is a funny thing.
it is paralyzing and consuming.
it keeps us places we don't want to be.
it convinces us of things that simply are not true.

how do you fight fear?


last night i encouraged her not to say the words out loud any more. i explained that if we say something enough we begin to truly believe it whether it is true or not.

ann voskamp says to "fight feeling with feeling" so i encouraged her, when she is scared, to say, "god is near and i am safe." if you say it and think about these words, you will eventually believe them.


she's four and i'm trying to teach her a lesson i have yet to learn.

as i typed my resignation to the corporate world i have known for more than eight years the words echoed in my mind, i'm scared. the what if's overwhelmed me. i am stepping back daily to say, "god is near and i am safe."

faith takes time.
so i will give her time to be brave.
i will comfort her when she is scared.
i will assure her that she is safe.
i will journey to faith with her.

*linking up with heather for just write


  1. this is simply amazing---im excited to get Ann Voskamp book! love this post!

  2. Beautiful :) We battle with fear here, too...

  3. We have to relearn this often. And yes, that book is amazing. I'm reading it so slowly, because there is so much to grasp.

  4. What a beautiful post!! And something I am working on - faith.

  5. I LOVE this post.

    What a wonderful mommy you are to your precious daughter.

    Thank you for the reminder about fear. I needed to read this!

  6. Beautiful words. You are teaching your daughter a great thing! To have Faith!! :)


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