May 12, 2014

:thoughts on community // coffee date #1:

i have shared on many occasions how this crazy clan came to be. it all started with an invitation. putting yourself out there can be a scary thing. i know this from experience. there are many scars and shards of the brokenness that has come as a result of letting my guard down. yet the beauty that followed was far worth the risk. the beauty of friendship and community and worship are rare and precious treasures that i do not take for granted. we do not take this gift for granted and we do not desire to hide it only for ourselves. in an effort to continue in the beauty of community we invited the internet to coffee. 

seven beautiful ladies showed up from all around the area. hugs were exchanged upon meeting and saying goodbye. conversations were shared around two tiny tables while laughter filled the sunshiny sky and my heart overflowed in response to this gift. the gift of sharing our stories. i heard their stories, they heard mine and i left with a swarm of words that followed me throughout the weekend. we were not the same age. we were not in the same life stages. we may not have the same interest. we were not all married, not all mothers but we were all women with the desire to make deeper connections and that is all it takes. it starts with an invitation and it ends with the beauty of community. 

our next coffee meet-up will be june 7th, 2014 at starbucks in hickory, nc 1342 2nd street northeast. please join us if you can. there are no requirements just a willingness to step out of your comfort zone! follow along on instagram for more details // @melissabeaver @alilittle28 @jonilwarren

these words so resonated with me after our sweet little meeting. i hope they do the same for you.
"blessed is the influence of one human soul on another"
-george eliot. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said, dear. I was SO hesitant to go, and yet so very glad that I did. I look forward to future dates. <3


words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.