April 16, 2014

:thoughts on being RAD // FREE PRINTABLE:

i am a list maker, note taker & paper lover. 
i make them in my head and on my phone but i am so much more likely to complete 
said tasks if they are on paper right in front of me. enter, the RAD to-do list, 
created with pen & paper via yours truly.
get yours here for FREE and make today the DAY of RAD.

p.s. these RAD photos were compliments of my budding photographer: the Coopster. 

p.p.s for more RAD paper products check out my shop


  1. I seriously love everything about this.

  2. Hi Melissa! My name is Heather and I have a question regarding your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com that would be great :-)


words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.