January 6, 2014

:thoughts on motherhood // on being an amateur:

someone recently asked me, "when did you get so crafty?" and "when did you start drawing?" 
the love of art and all things creative has always been within my soul. burned deep in my memory are the moments spent with a blank canvas before me as mrs. freeze, my art teacher in the eighth grade, taught me how to make little trees with a fan brush. my mom had a custom frame built for that piece of art and the love of it all has lingered through the years. 

having children has fanned the flame of creativity. my big girl is artistic by nature and i am certain that art time is her love language. she is happiest when she is creating. so i'm learning and i'm teaching her and she's teaching me as we go along. 

this week we started a new project, quilt making.

i found this tutorial for a patchwork quilt that looked simple enough for our first attempt. 

we picked out the fabric from my stash with no particular rhyme or reason for each piece. i cut out 48 pieces and let her arrange them how she saw fit. she then ironed every piece, which was her first time using an iron- yay for life skills! then we sewed one row together. she got a little crooked on two pieces so we had to pull those out and do them again. her excitement about this project is contagious. the delight she has taken in one little row sewn makes my mama heart overflow with joy. i can't wait to see how it turns out! 

"every artist was first an amateur"


  1. This is so sweet. I feel like the same thing happened to me when I became a mother, my need for creativity was so so loud after bring quiet for years. I love that quote. It's such a good reminder because I'm often do hard on myself. I judge myself against standards of an "expert" with experience. But we all start somewhere. It's special to do these projects with the little ones and watch them just jump in.

  2. How did the quilt turn out?!? I've been itching to try one!
    Love this post : )
    xo, Kerry


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