January 29, 2014

:thoughts on motherhood // living out the love:

we attended a wedding this weekend. the bride was stunning. her gown was beautiful and her hair divine. she glowed the glow of a woman in love. i watched as the love birds stood hand in hand reciting vowels. it was glorious, this joining of two hearts. when the minister read from first corinthians thirteen there was a stirring in my heart. so much goodness to be found in those words. so much to be practiced and lived out as a wife and mom. 

for the next month we will be learning, practicing and living out the words spoken about love. we started this week with love is patient. love is kind. we talked about ways that we can live out this calling of patience and kindness in our daily life. 
as a way to encourage my little one in letter writing and to spread love to others are sending out a few YOU ARE LOVED packages. it is simple, composed of things we have on hand. 

a bookmark, which you can download for free here.
a set of the YOU ARE LOVED scripture memory cards which can be purchased here
suckers & smarties
handwritten note by my big girl

eisley loved writing the notes and adding her own artistic touch to the envelop. she chose each piece of candy with care and found joy in the blessing of giving. this will be something we practice regularly as we press on to live out the calling of bringing heaven to earth by loving others and loving them well. 

"not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love"
-mother teresa


words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.