October 28, 2013

:thoughts on motherhood // simple things are the best things:

i am finding more and more that the things my children love most are the things i make them. eisley never leaves home without dotty sew and peggy sew, two imperfectly made rag dolls. durgin sleeps with his rag doll named peter parker, every single night. 

last week i came across this tutorial and thought it would be a fun activity for us to do together. 

the supplies were minimal - yarn, felt, hot glue - check. 
two excited kiddos - check. 
twenty minutes start to finish - check.

eisley named her yarn doll, dahlia and durgin name his mark. they played with them the entire day engaged in the lost art of make believe. 

for us, simple really is better. when there are no bells and whistles my little ones get to make up their own. i love watching their imagination flourish! these dolls will more than likely be lost or fall apart over time but my wish is that the memory will linger for all of their days.

*linking up with carissa and blair 


  1. those dolls are so cute :) and they look super simple. If I had the time, I would totally make one :)



  2. Yes... I also find that simplicity really is best for our family. And those dolls? Precious!

    P.S. I'm your "neighbor" at the Life Lately Link Up with Wild & Precious. {http://www.alanataylor.me}


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