October 9, 2013

:thoughts on motherhood // radical love for my boy:

he is usually the first one awake, quietly entering the living room where jacob and i are having our morning coffee. we greet him, always, with a hug and i'm so happy to see you- how did you sleep? that tiny frame snuggles up between us for a few minutes and then moves on to his breakfast request because boys are never full. never. 

this is my passionate one. full of emotions far bigger than his four year old mind can manage. loving and tender, yet a ball of energy that can loose his junk in 2.5 seconds. he loves books and cars and toy army men. he feels most at home on wheels. that is his happy place. give him his bike or skateboard or scooter and he's good for hours. well, unless he wrecks and then he screams like he lost an appendage but only for a a minute then he returns to his wild riding.

i struggle for the right way to parent my children. i am forever looking for that manual that has all the answers. frustration knocks at my door far too often. i find myself feeling like i'm failing daily. how do you raise a wild boy?

i have been studying the radical love of jesus. shane claiborne and brennan manning write words that send me to my knees thankful for the grace and mercy jesus exudes. in reading these words and the gospels i've been processing what it looks like to love with the radical love of jesus through the lens of motherhood. 

what does it look like to love this wild, passionate boy with the radical love of jesus?

one disciple immediately comes to mind. he wasn't one for reason. he acted before thinking. he was overly emotional and often let that dictate his behavior. how did jesus respond to this disciple and the others?

he guided gently. 
he redirected. 
he corrected when wrong.
he loved.
he forgave every darn time without shame. 
he lead by example.
he was firm when time called for it.
he spent quality time with them.
he engaged their questions.
he taught at their level.
he surprised them.
he did the extraordinary.
he lavished them with grace upon grace upon grace. 

these are the things i carry into my days.
let us love our little ones with the radical love of jesus.


  1. hi Mel :) really enjoyed this post...there should be a hug button :) i would have pressed it ! I too have a 'wild' boy child...only he is almost a young man now...and let me tell u...i absolutely delight in him...he was my 'challenge child' and my 'action man' as i used to call him :) and he is still the one out of my 3 to 'push' me harder - faster - more often...it is because of him that i am a 'well rounded' mama...he has taught me more about myself that i didn't know... than the other 2...and i am deeply grateful... it's easy to be a 'good' mommy to an 'easy' child...but it's an 'award-winning' thing to be a 'good' mom to a 'challenging' child... mother love makes it possible...love and prayer :)

  2. Mothers of boys are taught a special lesson...how to love and let live with wild abandon yet giving boundaries...to love openly with arms always open to those quick hugs and kisses...embracing the love I have for my boys is something I try to relish in everyday. My oldest is almost 15 and he still will surprise me with a hug or a kiss when I least expect it. Breathe it in and enjoy. :)

  3. This is so so good!!! And I am loving all the above comments! There is something about being a boy mom that nothing else is quite like! What a special thing to love and guide these precious hearts towards him, stinkiness and all!


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