September 27, 2013

:thoughts on faith // this is our Sabbath:

it's sort of a given, this weekly gathering. the day and location changes from time to time but the invitation to meet stands. this time, this gathering, is a highlight in the week, something to be looked forward to with excitement. we didn't plan it this way. we didn't have to. we simply grew together and this is what has become of our efforts. 


it looks different from one person to the next. yet for all it is a time to step away from the busy and let the soul rest in the goodness of the Creator. 
"if you work all week and forget to rest, you will become brittle and hard, and lose precious nourishment and joy. forgetting the sabbath is like forgetting to unwrap the most beautiful gift under the tree." -wayne muller, sabbath
this is a glimpse into our sabbath. our time of rest from the daily grind. our time of delighting in the gifts we've been given and teaching our children to do the same. this is what loving one another looks like in  our current season of life - kissing baby cheeks, not our own. bread and wine. the ritual of washing dishes. chasing giggling children. exploring. carrying one another's burdens. laughter. tears. smores and chocolate covered faces. chatting into the darkness then traveling home, tired and full, ready for the week ahead because we have rested in Him and with His people. 

"sabbath implies a willingness to be surprised by unexpected grace, to partake of those moments when creation renews itself, when what is finished inevitably recedes and the sacred forces of healing astonish us with the unending promise of love and life." -wayne muller, sabbath

may you be surprised by unexpected grace this weekend. 
peace be with you.


words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.