May 20, 2013

:Tales of Motherhood // by Autumn Ballard:

Motherhood is not meant to be ventured alone. We were made for community- rejoicing in victories, embracing defeat- yet never alone. As one who finds new life in the stories of others I have invited a few mama's that have walked or are walking this path of motherhood to join us in this space. My hope is that you will find encouragement today- in this moment, right where you are.

Please welcome my sweet friend Autumn. I have gotten to know Autumn over the last year and I am so glad.  She is laid back and fun loving with a wonderful sense of humor. She is mama to two precious little ones and has a beautiful heart. I hope you'll be blessed by her words


Hey Y'all! I'm Autumn and am honored to share a little bit about motherhood here with you. Melissa and I met at a craft weekend last fall and immediately I fell in love with her heart. I am so thankful to call her friend. 

grace:: the love and mercy given to us by God, not because we deserve it or have done anything to earn it, but because He desires us to have it.

There are days as a mama to two little girls that I feel like a failure. Let's face it. Motherhood is hard. It's not at all for the faint of heart. There are times that I yell. I say things I shouldn't. I do things I shouldn't. I don't play enough. I don't play at all. I'm distracted. I don't hold her enough. I don't hug her enough. My priorities are not where they should be. 

And at the end of the day my head hits the pillow and it's all I can do to fight the tears. There's something about the dark that makes us more aware of how precious our time here is. I begin to pray and He whispers to me...

My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9

Morning dawns with snuggles, smiling faces, and forgiving hearts. For today is a new day full of His mercies and grace. 

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