April 30, 2013

:what i'm into // april 2013:

i look back on this month through blurred lenses. the most recent past is often the hardest to recall. moments that stand out the most are those moments spent in the midst of a full house. april was a month for practicing hospitality. local and out of town guests adorned our table while their children delighted in the bliss of unchartered territory in our back yard. stories were shared around the fire, drinks around the table, laughter throughout our home. planning for may to look very similar as we continue this journey of practicing hospitality.

other things i've been into in the month of april....

read & reading
i finished an altar in the world by barbara brown taylor. i checked it out from the library but this is a book i must own. she discusses twelve practices to consider incorporating in every day life. all beautiful. all worthy of contemplation.

i also read the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald for the first time ever. i loved the imagery, feeling more than once, as though i was actually at one of gatsby's famous parties. the ending was truly sad and as one that needs closure, if you've read it you know why, i was a little disappointed.

i am currently reading bread and wine by shauna niequist and have been on the hunt for arborio rice to make her risotto. shauna paints beautiful pictures of moments in her life where food has played an unforgettable role.

next up is falling upward, a spirituality for the two halves of life by richard rohr and cold tangerines by shauna niequest. 

we haven't had much time for movies but our current television addiction is breaking bad. i usually watch mad men while folding laundry or processing orders.

music remains pretty much the same. we typically start our mornings with sufjan steves for children or the praise baby collection on pandora. this seems to put our moods in the proper place as we get ready for the day ahead. if the children are outside playing i find myself listening to mumford & sons because they just never get old. workout radio is my go-to for getting me through my time on the elliptical and when i'm cooking dinner it's always frank sinatra or billie holiday.

blown away, actually, by the response to these. 

starting in May, in honor or mothers everywhere, i will be hosting a series {tales of motherhood}, where i have invited some pretty amazing mama's to share pieces of their journey to encourage the rest of us. we are not meant to do this alone- motherhood // lets do it together, mmmkay?

what are you into?

*linking up with the lovely leigh


  1. I have been contemplating reading the Great Gasby. But I hate unhappy endings...

  2. oh, can't wait for your motherhood series!
    and breaking bad. girlfriend. my super fave!

    love ya.

  3. Love An Alar in the World. That and Leaving Church are definitely must-owns for me. BBT just has a way of speaking to my soul. Great Gatsby is such a classic! It's been awhile since I read it so I was thinking I should read it again before I see the movie. It's not a happy ending and yet I found it to be appropriate. Bread & Wine is my favorite of Shauna's books but I've found I read each one exactly when I needed to. Hope you track down arborio rice soon! Risotto is one of my favorite things to make.

    Thanks for linking up with What I'm Into!


words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.