April 22, 2013

:on being done with busy:

my eyes open slowly, heavy with sleep. i roll to the left and feel a twinge in my back, age forever taking it's toll. the clock reads 6:14am as the list begins to form in my mind. the days are full, morning til night there's the doing. our society says "effective people are busy people. religious people are busy people. for millions and millions of people, busy-ness is The Way of Life," Barbara Brown Taylor

i'm slowly learning not to fill my life with busy but to fill it with being. 

being a wife.
being a mom.
being a friend.
being a neighbor. 

just being. 

spending time with my husband after his long day at work. letting the house keeping slide on the weekends so there is more time to relish in us. time for kitchen kisses, moments of lingering around the fire sharing belly laughter. making memories with cartwheels and flips in the freshly mowed grass. dreaming the future together.

leaving space for sketches with the little ones around the table. letting them make cookies with extra chocolate chips and watching blue eyes squint with pleasure as they bite into the goodness made by their own hands. 

sticking a stamp on a hand written letter that will arrive at the perfect moment for that sweet friend. sharing stories over huge pots of coffee that grow cold as we get caught up in the glory of it all. 

finally taking time to deliver pumpkin bread to the neighbors. wrapped by tiny hands, delivered with love. letting them be jesus with skin on. showing them the way to acting just, loving mercy and walking humbly. for these little ones, they will be what they see. 

join me in leaving the busy and taking on the being.

*linking up with carissa for miscellany monday


  1. This was a simple but truly beautiful post and reminder to just BE! Such a good reminder, especially for me! The part about drawing with your kids and letting them make cookies just melted my heart.

  2. Hi :) beautiful post... and a good reminder too...

  3. Thank you for the reminder, and for putting my thoughts into words. With a little one and one on the way, I realize my need to pull back from being over-booked and allow myself to just BE.
    Beautiful, and thank you

  4. such a lovely and sweet post. busy is the story of my life these days.

  5. cute picture, so dainty and sweet. & a wonderful message, too. i like to think of life as more than just a time frame but as an opportunity to leave a legacy. it's always so comforting to think we were put here for a purpose greater than we can imagine. thanks for the encouragement!

    Allie @ Framed by God

  6. Oh, I hate busy. Also, I find that inspiration flows more freely when we leave space and time.


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