April 2, 2013

:learning to walk in His word:

she wakes in the night, calls my name in despair. the calling bursts into my dreams and drags me out by my collar. i hop out of bed, one eye open, making my way to her. with sleep still in my eyes, i lay her down and stroke her temple, the one that proclaims youth, not a wrinkle or ripple in sight. i whisper when i am afraid i will trust in you, when i am afraid i will trust in you. a reminder of His presence in the darkness.

they are best friends today, right now, for the moment. the sun pours out its warmth declaring spring as the march wind blows their hair to and fro. i'm amazed at how much they love those rag dolls hand crafted by me. they hold them by the arms, swinging them around until they fall down breathless and dizzy.

the boy runs in to bring me a bouquet of freshly picked flowers. weeds have never looked so beautiful. i tell him he is shining like a star with his joyous spirit.

later things take a turn, as they often do. hunger and fatigue set in after a hard mornings play, which lead to squabbles and raised voices. i say aloud, who's going to be my peacemaker? 

she struggles with her studies. it's too hard, i can't do it. i pull her close and say, with god all things are possible.

we are learning His words and how they fit into our everyday lives. sometimes we cling to them, live by them, proclaim them. other times we know what we ought to do and fail to do it.

as a reminder to us we are using these scripture memory cards to learn & live in His word.

you can purchase the cards at The Lovely Words.

*just writing with Heather


  1. Hey from SA :) luv luv luv this post ! your kids are lucky to have you... good job :)

  2. I love how you tie the promises of Scripture with every day life. It's the way it's supposed to be. Living, powerful, life changing. Daily life changing.

  3. I love this. It's exhausting, this parenting thing. Grateful that we do have a peacemaker for our weariness

  4. Sometimes I tell my Mister "tag, you're it" b/c I'm too tired to "parent". So glad that God doesn't need to tag anyone in. Thankful for mercy and grace. :)

  5. I love these sweet cards! I memorized that verse in Psalms when I was little because I was terrified of thunder storms - He is a mighty comforter. <3


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