February 8, 2013

:week in review | no.1:

"blessed are the peacemakers for they will called the children of god."   
matthew 5:9
peacemaking is the ongoing theme in our home. 

there is a part in each of us that just needs to be the boss. in control. calling the shots. i am learning to be a peacemaker so that my children can be peacemakers. there is a swelling of hope in my soul that they would change the world by making peace. 

peace with themselves so that they are not bound by their failures and inadequacies. inadequacies may be their avenue to success in the upside down kingdom. jesus likes to use the inadequate to show his adequacy. the imperfect to reveal his perfection. 

peace with others so that they are free to love and harbor no hurts in their hearts that would keep them from finishing the race set before them. 

"the way we see others people is the way we see ourselves. if we have made peace with our flawed humanity and embraced our ragamuffin identity, we are able to tolerate in others what was previously unacceptable in ourselves."
-brennan manning

what i'm reading:
i just finished Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris and Girl Meets God by Laura F. Winner. Both share pieces of their journey of faith. i love seeing how others view god's hand in their lives. for we are all working out our own salvation. 

what i'm reading with the children:
we are smack dab in the middle of The Magicians Nephew by C.S Lewis and the children hang on every single word! i have never read this series so it's quite a thrill for me as well.

what i'm listening to:
the lumineers and of monsters and men

what the children are listening to:
sufjan stevens for children on pandora plays a great mix of kid friendly songs. 

what we are studying:
we did a little unit study on penguins this week. the children loved reading about them and watching mommy do a silly penguin walk. 

what we are playing:
lots of spiderman action going on around here. the little dude is spiderman, eisley is firestorm and daddy is venom. 

what we are creating:
this week we had a full day of rain and a sick baby to boot. so we made a paper table cloth and covered it in doodles, stencils, roads and words. such a fun, no-brainer activity for all of us! 

1 comment:

  1. this is so beautiful...and the perfect inspiration i needed to write my parents' devotion on "peace" for our church. thank you thank you!


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