December 3, 2012

:the one where we are slowing down:

the days are long this time of year. jacob works well into the darkness and we wish for friday, monday through thursday. we long for weekends, time with family and friends. too often we fill our weekends to the brim with the doing.

this weekend took a natural pause. we picked up our christmas tree saturday morning with a couple of cranky kiddos. the end result of late nights with friends. we took them home for naps with the promise of hot chocolate and tree decorating when they awoke. all three babies fell right to sleep while jacob and i fell into comfy couches. we snuggled tight and even managed to sneak in a little shut-eye before post nap chaos ensued.

the children leaped out of bed to the christmas tree in a single jump, full of excitement. we made hot chocolate, sugar cookies and sausage balls while daddy added lights to the tree. then we all joined him for ornament placement. eisley, suddenly sixteen years old, delicately handling each ornament adding a hook and carefully placing each one on the tree in just the right spot. she entertained her brother and indulged his every request in her most mommy-like voice.

the grand finale was the addition of the star, twice. once for eisley and once for durgin, a photo captured of each. we sat down in admiration of our creation. deep breaths, taking it all in, always flashing forward to when they are grown. willing the moment to slow and stick for eternity in my heart.

in celebration of our tree decoration skills we ventured outside where jacob built a fire in the pit and the children built forts in the woods. there is something about climbing trees that is so darn exhilarating. the sound of leaves crunching under foot, the canopy of trees creating a darkness of sorts. they were in heaven and so were we as we took in the smell of pine and the sound of our children at play with nothing more than their imagination.

we celebrated the first sunday of advent by reading scripture and singing christmas carols as a family, totally off key, while playing keep away with balloons. laughter echoed off our walls and we delighted in the little things. we recognized His presence and were reminded of His grace.

tis the season, let us slow down and soak it all in.

*linking up with carissa for miscellany monday


  1. What a PERFECT weekend! I can't wait to decorate the tree next year with our baby! (She'll make more of a mess than anything... but I'm still excited!)

  2. Amen! We choose to go to a Getty concert on Saturday, in leu of our annual trek to our local museum on Sunday. It was a good choice.

  3. this is a beautiful post!! yes, it is such an important season to slow down and remember what it's all about! your pictures are just adorable :)


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