October 2, 2012

:the one where i share what i'm reading:

a truly good book teaches me better than to read it. i must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. what i began by reading, i must finish by acting.
-henry david thoreau

Given | Poems by Wendell Berry
why in the world i waited so late in life to fall in love with poetry, i will never know. his words are lovely and eloquent, painting beautiful word pictures.

Sabbaths 1998 | I
Whatever happens,
those who have learned
to love one another
have made their way
to the lasting world
and will not leave,
whatever happens.

Mended | Pieces of a life made whole by Angie Smith
angie is raw and honest and having met her and experienced her wit in person, reading this makes me feel like we are having a conversation. my favorite chapter so far is [One Better] where she speaks about daily life and the opportunity we have to do One Better for our husbands, our children, neighbors and friends.

Soul Survivor | How thirteen unlikely mentors helped my faith survive the church by Philip Yancey
this book was handed down to us by our pastor and his wife. i love well loved books passed on. yancey is includes the ugly beautiful of his journey to a life of love, lead by jesus. i have great appreciation for the ugly beautiful.

A Circle of Quiet | The Crosswicks Journal- Book One by Madeleine L'Engle
several women of faith and bloggers that i love love love have read and recommended this book and since it was a penny on amazon i grabbed it for my collection. i have read L'Engle before and found myself highlighting nearly the entire book. her words move me and spark my passion for words written, envoking a pouring out of sorts.

Just Give Me A Cool Drink of Water Fore I Diiie by Maya Angelou
maya angelou's first book of poetry and my new found love for this genre compelled me to grab this up on my last visit to the library.

Half the Church | Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women by Carolyn Custis James
a love for women, my friends, and talents that often go unnoticed and underutilized made this title a bit more than attractive. it made this a must read for my wandering soul.

side note: i have some adorable little goodies in my shop just dying to be sent to a special home. it's never too early to start christmas shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Such a wonderful selection of reading. Philip Yancy is great, and I will have to check out the Madeleine L'Engle book. I have always loved her books. Thanks for sharing. Have a beautiful day! xo Heather


words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.