March 4, 2011

{books and a brand new attitude}

no man can be called friendless that has god and the companionship of a good book.
-elizabeth barrett browning

my children have always been on a schedule. i am a super structured person and for my sanity a schedule works best for our family. some people are really laid back about stuff like that and that is totally cool. i admire them actually.

one way we encourage a love for books (and independant play) is their {rest time}. durgin has one every day from 9am-10am. he goes to his crib with tons of books and totally loves it. see look...he doesn't even notice me taking pictures because he's so into it!

eisley is older so i use his {rest time} for {craft time} with her. however, she still gets book time. for instance yesterday, she was having a total meltdown and needed some serious redirection. i have some {special books} put away that she gets to look at when durgin isn't around because we don't want them torn or tattered. so we dug those out and badda-bing...a new and improved attitude evolved within moments.

we read books at bed every night...she gets to pick and love love loves that privilege. the one we have read every night for the past week is

how do you encourage your children's love of books?

1 comment:

  1. we have books every where.
    in every room.
    under every bed.
    on ever shelf.
    i used to read every nap time and night time to Charlie... lately i haven't. thanks for the reminder. we will start reading again.


words are like honey, sweet to my soul, so feel free to share yours.